Sunday, April 12, 2009

Apache XML Schema not so good

[Week 26]

I've been spending the last few weeks trying to get used to the Apache XML Schema API so that I can begin to extract information from XML Schema files. This is proving quite a bit more complex than I imagined and has brought me way behind schedule.

I've been emailing the developers mailing list in search of support and have received some replies however I am still having problems extracting information. I may have to look into finding a completely different API for this.

Why does this bring me so behind schedule?
There are three main parts to the project:
- Parse XML Schemas and represent them in a GUI (I plan to use JTree)
- Allow the user to select nodes and produce the XPath expression
- Convert this to SQL and send query to a relational database and display
the results to the user.

Unless I can parse files then there is no way I can create the JTree so I need to fix this part before moving on. With other assignment deadlines at the moment this is proving difficult.

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